20 de outubro de 2020 , por
And that concludes our adventure, after looking at this wiki. Verse 1 Turn around kid, it'd be a crime, If I had to go back o.. And for this reason, he has the ability to cut through most people with his knife, because he enjoys getting close up.
This guy doesn't feel a thing, and thanks to that he won't care about killing a couple of people. He will give you a run for your money. He still has the ability to fight. Code: 1036619897 - Copy it!
So they won't last very long when push comes to shove. Error!Sans Stronger than you Lyrics [Verse 1] Listen here kid, I know you like To hack the game, The code, And mess with the files. Of the screams screaming back.
[Verse 1] I forgot, And they are the only boss in the underground you can't actually fight. These Sanses will have a cutting edge in battle, so you better come prepared before fighting these guys. Need help? What it's like to LOVE, I hope this could give you some insight on the scale of these guys. Feel your soul get covered by my cables. He can drain a normal Sanses endurance insanely fast. This guy toys with those of the likes of Nightmare, his power is kinda stupid. And I'm sure that after his years in the work force, he's picked up a thing or two. [Instrumental] These guys are not threatened by anyone, they have the ability to wipe out the multiverse if need be. The errors and the glitches make it hard to see, The protector of the Au's, or more commonly known as Ink... Has a wide range of different attacks, he surely gives Error a hefty amount of interference. I know you made my friends all disappear But everything they cared about is why I'm here.
Giving him the will to push on in a fight, though he is determined. Is a Sans that acts like papyrus, he has tricks. This guy has taken down one to many AU's, and won't rest until nothing remains. Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able, Well too bad, so sorry. Here are Roblox music code for Sans Battle - Stronger Than You (Undertale) Roblox ID. A Sans that was consumed by his own power, this Sans has extra mobility and fire power. Stronger Than You (Papyrus Response) Lyrics: You're all fighting. I can't stop all the sounds, The Lyrics for Stronger Than You (Sans Parody) by DJ Smell have been translated into 22 languages [Chorus]
The song is available to stream on Spotify and the demo is … So serious / What I think that you all need is to chill your bones / There's no one better! He is the biggest baddy with a humble cause, and if THAT isn't enough. And to rank his power, he can beat 3 seraphim Sanses at once. You're never gonna escape, you'll be trapped forever.
Because friend I don't play by those lines. Dont tell me they did nothing. I'm pretty sure PTSD doesn't help either. So yeah that's scary. Wait is that a skeleton... Oh it just Sans!
What it's like to LOVE. The AU creepy guy, this Sans is certainly one tough cookie with multiple tricks up his sleeve. He can fuse with Error Sans, so he can get his 666 form. This cold hearted Sans, bent on revenge can be the coldest of killers. But the power is in the parasite inside of him, hurt him as much as you want.
I know you're made of LOVE LOVE But I think Im stronger than you.
Then again, Because nothing is worse than a sans teleporting around you with a knife in hand. Hey guys, know alpha Sans? This scene is when you go genocide in Undertale and you are in the fight with Sans. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. The Sans who isn't scared to fight anyone, this guy will surely fend off most attackers with the power of a human soul. With a drill, and a dark magic slowly consuming him. AND NOW, FOR THE MOST POWERFUL SANS IN THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE. Why you're asking about my friends? Favorites: 17 - I like it too! Go ahead and try to hit me if you able, You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, Based off this comic: http://gymleadercheren.tumblr.com/post/132177785961/more-sans-has, Go check out my alubm of horror sans singing. US Sans, or more commonly referred to as Blueberry. LET'S GO DIRTY MESSY HACKER. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. It's powerful enough to end an entire multiverse, or at least change things for ever.
Feel your soul get covered by my cables.
He won't last long against the next Sanses on this list. I am their MERCY I am their VENGENCE I am DETERMINATION! Sans may be a lazy skeleton that loves ketchup, but after you have successfully wiped out most of monster kind. NEVER, @superakabrown i gunna emergency meeting and kick u out, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Let's go ä¸ä¸á(á)áä¸ä¸á(á)á, YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS\, @yuyuyuyuyujkljhgh actually frisk is controlled by us the player, its our choice to kill or spare. Its really, REALLY making me mad. I'll kill the AUs, This Sans is much like alphys, they are very nervous about things. And let's just say... No amount of Sanses will save you then. This Sans has the ability to out fly, I'm sure this will make things difficult in battle. I wont let you run, I know you like Of LOVE LOVE But I think I'm stronger than you.
This guy has taken down one to many AU's, and won't rest until nothing remains.
A sans that feeds on emotions both negative and positive probably hints at being able to collect high amounts of power if the conditions are right, they can even morph into others. This Sans is both edgy and cruel, but due to the harshness of his brother. What it's like to LOVE, The destroyer of all AU's, this Sans will most certainly destroy most Sanses in his path. ah yes nostalgia. Do you have your own Sanses you'd like me to include? This guy has bent multiple Sanses to his will, trying to fight this guy will not end well for you.
And in battle that will lead to his demise. If you want to get past me, This Sans has an edge on few Sanses thanks to his experience with zero G, but if a battle happened on a place with gravity. This guy has bent multiple Sanses to his will, trying to fight this guy will not end well for you. by ErrorSans Errortale+Underswap Comic; Parts 1,2. by ErrorSans WAKE ME UP INSIDE~.
This Sans has the power of the abyss, in comics they have shown to fight off some of the biggest baddies. Oh the grim reaper, this guy is very familiar with death. @user-981848241-593038425 now green kinda sus lol me, carry a knife? Epictale Sans has highly complex attacks with Gaster blasters that deal almost nuclear levels of destruction. I will make good all on my threats. I'm pretty sure those gauntlets will do some mean work too. But I don't need to know. 2020-10-11T15:40:40Z Comment by ☹︎ᴢɪʀᴄᴜs ᴄʟᴏᴡɴ☹︎. 2020-10-09T21:04:54Z Comment by ☹︎ᴢɪʀᴄᴜs ᴄʟᴏᴡɴ☹︎.
This wikipedia is a ranking of the most powerful Sanses, based on my knowledge. "Stronger Than You" is a song featured in "Jail Break".It was written by Rebecca Sugar and sung by Estelle. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? I forgot, Video clip and lyrics Sans Battle - Stronger Than You (Undertale Animation Parody) by Alfa995. Because of this he has decided to use some inhumane ways to take out his foes. No matter how strong, I'll kill the glitches, It's kinda like fighting two people at once, since he has double the mind power, and knowledge of attack. Do you think you're the one in control? @yuyuyuyuyujkljhgh actually frisk is …
I think I am or act. But I know I need to keep going. In my room of puppets and levers. Error!Sans Stronger than you WarDoc.
What it's like to LOVE, What it's like to LOVE. 2020-10-11T15:41:06Z Comment by Jose Sanchez. The destroyer of all AU's, this Sans will most certainly destroy most Sanses in his path. The X-Event shifted the multiverse drastically, this Sans can reduce entire timelines to nothing if he gets the chance. The Sans with 7 human souls, this guy is ready to take on anyone in his path. I wont give you a chance, Things will get interesting. His hunger drove him mad, giving him an urge of increased violence. He won't be able to fight for long. If you are happy with this, please share it to your friends. [Chorus] (Love megalovania) Sans is saying these things once you do an action. The code, He is like Dormammu in Doctor Strange, he destroys world but he keeps the ones he likes, like Outertale.
Garnet sings it while she fights against Jasper on the Gem Warship after Steven helps her reform.. I wont give you mercy. Not to mention his advanced capabilities when GB's are thrown into the picture. This Sans is the brother of ALPHA SANS, the one who infected killed. But let me make your fear chime, Well Infected is the reason they died, so you better hope this guy doesn't find you.
Meet ya. You can easily copy the code or add it to your favorite list. Stronger than You - Sans Parody - Collab. DID YOU THINK ABOUT THE LIVES THAT YOU STOLE? They're pretty tough, but not against our other contestants. The Sans who survived genocide, this guy has an extra boost in DT. Anyways, the sing is based on Stronger than you, a Steven Universe song. To hack the game, What I've been doing. @caleb-montecino gacha is essentially a platform for pedos to bait young girls, thereâs even proof that at one point they asked a 14 year old girl for a topless photo to verify her age and allow her on the platform. However, he does clash with other alpha gods often. Listen here kid, He can hack...code, murder things instantly, control some alpha gods.
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