20 de outubro de 2020 , por
Hi Jesse – thanks again for the great article and advice. Think I’m going to go for the Knox Quill as it’s a longer board with longer wheel base and CX trucks! Hi Big Kahuna, Thank you very much for a very informative and insightful post. As for the decks you mentioned, they do differ in lengths (31.75″/32.24″/33″) and more importantly in wheelbase (17.75″/18″/18.5″) which can be significant. The 29.5″ Carver Swallow is an easy to pump and very stable board for cruising due to its special shape combination. I’m looking for a suggestion for a board model or possibly 2 that would be versatile, durable and assist in surf skill development. While Carver boards are 100% US-made, the Tritons are produced in Asia resulting in lower costs. Hello, well it’s a broad question but if your focus is surf training albeit with some stabilty then a Carver with C7 truck is probably a good option for you – for your size you can probably shoot for something in the 28-30″ range, check out my Carver comparison guide here if you haven’t already.
Younger and smaller riders should generally opt for smaller Carver skateboards for a more responsive and snappier riding experience. Would Carver Sea Tiger with a CX trunk suitable for these purposes? Looking for a smoother ride in general, with the possibility of some sharper turns once i get the hang of it (nothing to radical though). Already available the new collection of Tritons from Carver Skateboards in Single Quiver.
28-29″. Great article … wondering if you can help me choose…. It can also be used for more radical type riding in case you later grow your skills, e.g. My C7 starts to squeak after 2 months of using, have you ever recognized that on yours? Many thanks! I’m so glad to found this website with such a lot of useful info! I want a CX carver, I already have a C7 and I dont know which one should I pick, the psycho killer or the CI flyer. Thanks a lot in advance : ), Sorry, Jesse. I mostly want it to cruise from class to class and through the hills and driveways at my college. The Google Sheet link is not accessible! Any guidance appreciated! I find that it fits squarely in the ‘single board quiver’ category, especially with C7s. Reading it all made it for me even more confusing even though the explanations all made sense, haha. SurfSkate Triton 27″ Hydron Con Ejes C5 Raw. Ride on.
Thanks again! Hey, one more question…. Thanks so much! I would say any Carver model in the 28″-30″ range would work, and I would go for a C7 for a fluid surf feel. Ride on! Triton is a sub-brand of Carver Skateboards, it’s Carver’s affordable surfskate line targeting younger and smaller riders at a lower price point (up to $100 cheaper).
There are tons of options for fast pumping such as the Loaded Omakase with CX trucks or the Loaded Poke with CX. The Ahi is a revolutionary, eco-friendly, high-performance plastic skateboard made from recycled fishing nets. As I am still a beginner (I am getting to get to know my Hamboard better and better) I am looking for something to cruise, go for longer distances, yet also be something to train my surfing skills with and maybe also go for some curbs/parking hills and maybe the bowl someday. The Carver Headron nº6 (see picture earlier), with a comparable length, width, and wheelbase, is another good skateboard for easy pushing and cruising – as mentioned, its pintail shape also makes it great for flowy down-the-line rides. I’ve loved trying out my friends’ Carvers and really want one of my own! The Slide is another pretty good beginner board (see here).
The C7 is pretty good for surf conditioning, but if you really want surf training IMO Swelltech is the closest, it really feels like being on a wave. Generally speaking, cost is not a concern for me (within reasonable limits) and I am looking for the best product that will help me to improve my surfing. If you’re the explorer type in skateboarding and/or surfing, you’ve probably noticed a few of the 2020 Carver surfskates embrace innovative, progressive shapes from the surfing world. I also discovered that going down hill at high speeds with this particular board going near 50mph, got me speed wobbles causing me to clip a vehicle in the middle of a busy traffic circle, dislocated both shoulders and was covered in blood from massive road rash but I accept falling as apart of skateboarding as not one aspiring skater to pro level has fallen, so it’s something one must embrace. The obvious option would be Triton the Black Star or the Blue Horizon. I’m 184cm, 80kg. Also, the C7 has more of a classic/flowy surfing kind of feel than the CX, so it may suit your style better. In order to help you sort out which is the best-fitting Carver surfskate for you, I’ve put together an exhaustive compilation of all the Carver boards available in the 2019-2020 lineup, complete with specs, shape attributes, and riding characteristics. The C5, on the other hand, is a TKP (traditional, or standard, kingpin truck), a special “street” truck designed to perform street and park tricks while combining those with surfskate pumping.
The Carver Proteus’ boxy template and wide nose is a reuse of the shape of its surfboard counterpart. I don’t really surf and I ride the boards for fun.
Your choice depends on your specific goals, your size, and a bunch of other factors.
If you have any doubts about which Carver is best for you, call us or send us an email and we will help you. https://www.youtube.com/c/EnelpicoSingleQuiver, https://www.instagram.com/singlequiver_enelpico/. Both work really good for me for “surf-style commuting”. If you think this is more suitable, would you suggest to partner with a CX or C7? Also check out my reviews of these other awesome surfskates:YOW Surf reviewSwelltech reviewFlow Surf Skate reviewSurfeeling review. One more question for you – i’m looking for a board for my 12yr old. Photos, videos, articles or whatever you suggest. With the new CX axis, which is elevated, this little board has a good inclination and a strong carve. Im also leaning toward the CX trucks. Hi Big Kahuna – Great review of all Carver boards, super helpful! Maybe you can help out as I want to extend the quiver yet not get something too far off from what I already own and really complement. so carving vs shred and tricks, etc. This is where we would ride.
But of course, Carver is Carver! I haven’t tried the Green Glass but looking at the specs they both have almost exactly the same shape and dimensions, same squash tail, rounded nose, kick etc. Any pushing/commuting? Ride on! With a price of 209 euros, the truth is they are an excellent choice to start with and still doubting whether this carving over the asphalt thing is for you. The 32-25″ USA Thruster with a C7 truck is also a good choice if speed and stability are important, for both fast power-riding on flat and for downhill.
Swelltech, perhaps, will be too much for me to handle. I find the CX more stable and great for distance pumping, but the C7 is more flowy and feels more like a bigger surfboard. I’m 6’2 and 182kg. I love the fact that with just a few strong pumps you can glide much further. It comes with Carver’s lower C5 trucks, softer bushings (adequate for lighter riders) and smaller 61mm wheels. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, even other brands/models that may be better suited. has significantly more foot room on the nose and tail, and has a longer wheelbase, so I’d say it’s better for some distance pumping. The good think about Carvers is that they’re strong quality products built to last, and the C7 is great for classic-style surf training while being stable enough for cruising and commuting some distance.
The Carver Haedron nº3 is another good option for surfers looking to progress. The main difference is also de aesthetics of the board, Carver finally has boards directed to the younger riders. Check out the Triton Argon here on Amazon UK. If you’re looking for the best Carver skateboard for distance, down the line pumping carving and power surfing on flat or downhill, you may consider the Channel Island Black Beauty. Whichever you choose, pick a longer wheelbase for your size. Thinking about getting a cheap surfskate to get the most out of your surf sessions over the asphalt? I find the Omakase + CX to be a cool combination namely due to the 10″ width and the great concave/wheel flares which make carving and pumping a very efficient. It comes with Carver’s lower C5 trucks, softer bushings (adequate for lighter riders) and smaller 61mm wheels. The Nitron has the perfect size for both kids and adults. The model Argon 26” is especially made for kids or lower weight riders. Carver OTOH is better if you want to do some commuting as well. With C7 trucks. Our students are aged from 15-18y/o and are of varying skill level. 6′ 160lbs! For classic surf you might consider a Carver C7, a Slide, or a Flow – depending on your budget.
Or would a shorter board serve the same purpose given that I am small?
Through its surfskates the Carver brand has been able to translate to the asphalt the sensation of surfing on water.
Ride on! Thanks. Just to remind I am considering buying the CI flyer or the lost psycho killer and I would like to have reviews about them. All the best, ride on! It’s a tradeoff between surfier vs comfier cruising and pumping. Very best. A cheap surfskate, endorsed by Carver Skateboards. When I try using other trucks I really struggle. And find myself a bit indecisive between the C7 and CX. OTOH, I’m also thinking to get a skateboard/ longboard, and add the Waterborne Surf and Rail Adapters on it, because it seems it would do my purposes, and sounds to be perform better than the C7. Thank you very much! On top of my previous options, I would also like to add the Loaded Omakase on list for your comment. I was using the surfskate selector and landed on Carver Greenroom. The diamond-tailed, 31″ Carver x Lost Plank, when set up with a Carver C7 truck, offers quick efficient pumping in pools and skateparks as well as aggressive street slashing. Bought a 6′ surfboard and everything. A skate made to transmit the complete experience to the lower weight riders. I’m looking for a Carver that will help progress his surfing.
I have all 3. Recently I’ve become interested in longboards and have tried a couple.
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