20 de outubro de 2020 , por
The first colonists settled at an island called Platea in front of the Libyan coast (modern Bomba). "Or like her, beautiful Kyrene (Cyrene), who dwelt in Phthia by the water of Peneios (Peneus) and had the beauty of the Kharites (Charites, Graces). They found a dealer in purple dyes named Corobius. And while, charmed by the strain, they unrolled the soft coils from their spindles, again the wail of Aristaeus smote upon his mother's ear, and all upon their crystal thrones were startled. Cyrene promptly became the chief town of Libya and established commercial relations with all the Greek cities, reaching the height of its prosperity under its own kings in the 5th century BC. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. The natives could be restless and the settlers sometimes felt threatened. There is a vast cavern, hollowed in a mountain's side . She became by Apollo the mother of Aristaeus. The population that Cyrene had, is just a matter of speculation, but 5,000 people is a likely guess for a city located at the margin of the Greek world. Pyth. It was to last for more than a century, but we are ill-informed about this period, although war with the native Nasamones is recorded. However, when Ptolemy had been succeeded by his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Magas allied himself with the Seleucid king Antiochus I Soter and started a kingdom of his own (275). because these were simply titles of the god Aristaeus]. 363 ff (trans.Boyle) (Roman poetry C1st B.C.
The first colonists settled at an island called Platea in front of the Libyan coast (modern Bomba). . All content copyright © 1995–2020 Livius.org. About her the Nymphs were spinning fleeces of Miletus, dyed with rich glassy hue--Drymo and Xantho, Ligea and Phyllodoce, their shining tresses floating over snowy necks; Nesaea and Spio, Thalia and Cymodoce [four Nereids]; Cydippe and golden-haired Lycorias--a maiden one, the other having but felt the first birth-throes; Clio and Beroe, her sister, daughters of Oceanus both, both arrayed in gold, and both in dappled hides [i.e. She was a famed huntress who guarded her father's herds on Mount Pelion, slaying wild beasts with javelin and sword.
They again sent to Delphi and were reminded that the Pythia had said several years before to settle in the country of Libya, but this time she specifically said to found a settlement in the land of Cyrene. In philosophy, the Cyrenaean school taught that the best thing in life is pleasure. [2.1] IDMON (by Apollon) (Hyginus Fabulae 14). "Argonauts Assembled . Later, when the ninth Dawn displays her rising beams, you must offer to Orpheus funeral dues of Lethe's poppies, slay a black ewe, and revisit the grove.
Four theatres have been found. Lo, even this very crown of my mortal life, which the skilful tending of crops and cattle had scarce wrought out for me for all my endeavour--though you are my mother, I resign.
500, &c.; Diod. Cyrene was the birthplace of Eratosthenes, who later went to Alexandria. Hesiod, Catalogues of Women Fragment 92 (from Scholiast on Pindar, Pythian 9. Cyrene was reorganized as a democracy. Ammianus Marcellinus described it in the 4th century as a deserted city, and Synesius, a native of Cyrene, described it in the following century as a vast ruin at the mercy of the nomads. ", Nonnus, Dionysiaca 29. The Roman Emperor Hadrian (r. 117-138 CE) did all he could to restore Cyrenes’s former glory: he encouraged the migration of new settlers in Cyrene and made funds available to rebuild the most important structures ruined during the revolt.
Violatti, Cristian. However, archaeological studies indicate that during that time, and for a while after, Cyrene was garrisoned by an army unit and the forum had been turned into a fortress. [5] According to Eusebius of Caesarea, the Jewish rebellion left Libya so depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there by the emperor Hadrian just to maintain the viability of continued settlement. As usual, the aristocrats were competing for glory and honor, but the situation had become more complex because rich non-aristocratic land-owners were beginning to demand political influence.
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