20 de outubro de 2020 , por
Thank you! The secretary, or scribe, Phillip Fabricius, was later enobled by the Emperor and given the title “von Hohenfall” (literally meaning “of Highfall”)!
This particular time, May 23, 1618, the occasion was a meeting at the Bohemian Chancellory between 4 Catholic Lords Regent with 3 of the main Protestant Lords that represented the 3 main Protestant Estates over a dispute concerning the Protestants being maltreated by the Holy Roman Emperor’s representatives (the Catholic Regents), denied their proper positions, rights and the dissolution of the Protestant Assembly. On July 30, 1419, The First Defenestration of Prague took place, which of course, means there was a second Defenestration! To be honest, neither did this author until writing this article! Jezebel was the daughter of Ithobaal I of Tyre and the wife of Ahab, King of Israel, according to the Book of Kings of the Hebrew Bible (1 Kings 16:31). This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. (Note: This man is not the “Good King Wenceslaus” of Christmas song, that was Wenceslaus I. Apparently, Prague has experienced other incidents of people being thrown from windows, but only these 2 major incidents are commemorated by being called “The Defenestrations of Prague.” For some reason other cities that have had folks thrown from windows have not been given the distinction of having their own “Defenestration” named in their “honor.” Surely there must be numerous incidents of people being thrown out windows! Jezebel was the daughter of the priest-king Ethbaal, ruler of the coastal Phoenician cities (now in Lebanon) of Tyre and Sidon (Arabic: Ṣaydā).
We try to present our students with historical topics that are both diverse and a bit out of the ordinary. Some person allegedly defenestrated a rock from an upper floor window at City Hall, supposedly striking Father Jan. His congregation became incensed and stormed City Hall, whence they chucked 7 members of the City Council along with a judge and the burgomeister (mayor) out the windows, killing those men. Question for students (and subscribers): What incident of someone being thrown from a window would you consider historically important or infamous? Prior to his military service, he graduated from Cleveland State University, having majored in sociology.
When Jezebel married Ahab (ruled c. 874– c. 853 bce), she persuaded him to introduce the worship of the Tyrian god Baal-Melkart, a nature god. Why do we even need a special word for such action, when we could just say, “threw him out the window?” Should a police officer writing a littering citation state that the offender “defenestrated a fast food wrapper from his car onto the roadside?” If I had been familiar with this term while serving as a police officer, you better believe I would have found a way to use the word! Woodcut by Johann Philipp Abelinus.
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