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delta canis majoris

20 de outubro de 2020 , por

With an apparent magnitude of 1.824, it is the third brightest star in Canis Major, after Sirius and Adhara. Does that arc have a recognised name? The two orbit around a common centre once every 675 days. Phurud – ζ Canis Majoris (Zeta Canis Majoris).

Muliphein is a blue-white B-type bright giant approximately 402 light years distant. Colliding spiral galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163, photo: ESO. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

Delta Canis Majoris (δ CMa / δ Canis Majoris) on Ison koiran tähtikuviossa sijaitseva melko kirkas tähti. It has been known to produce widely incorrect figures. Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris.

In any case, the name was somehow applied to both Delta Canis Majoris and Beta Columbae.
It is a yellow-white F-type supergiant with an apparent magnitude of +1.83.

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Because the galaxy’s main body is highly degraded, the Canis Major Dwarf is believed to be severely affected by the Milky Way’s gravitational field.

il s'agit d'un nom traditionnel. Its name comes from the Arabic aðāra, which means “virgins.” It is a binary star that lies about 430 light years from Earth. Bulletin of the IAU Working Group on Star Names, Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Delta_Canis_Majoris&oldid=173492851, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. The traditional name comes from the Arabic وزن wazn, meaning a weight. Chaque lettre qui apparaît descend ; il faut placer les lettres de telle manière que des mots se forment (gauche, droit, haut et bas) et que de la place soit libérée. A faint star will have a high number.

Mirzam – β Canis Majoris (Beta Canis Majoris), Mirzam (Al-Murzim, Murzim) is a blue-white giant with brightness varying between magnitude 1.95 and 2.00. At one time, 4,700,000 years ago, it was the brightest star in the heavens, at -3.99 visual magnitude. Delta … He placed the dog in the night sky as the constellation Canis Major. The group includes many bright stars, … The stars may be of equal mass, unequal mass where one star is stronger than the other or be in groups orbiting a central point which doesn't necessarily have to be a star. Wezen forms the hub of a number of stars nicely seen in binoculars. Delta Canis Majoris (δ CMa / δ Canis Majoris) merupakan salah satu bintang di rasi Canis Major dengan warna kuning keputihan tipe F dan berukuran maharaksasa (yellow-white F-type supergiant). Messier 41 (NGC 2287), Atlas Image mosaic courtesy of 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF. C'est une supergéante jaune-blanche de type F avec une magnitude apparente de +1,83.

The star’s heliacal rising, just before the annual flooding and the summer solstice, played a crucial role in the Egyptian calendar during the Middle Kingdom era.

The figure is derived at by using the formula from SDSS rather than peer reviewed papers. Zeus gave Laelaps to Europa as a present, along with a javelin that could not miss. The primary component belongs to the spectral class B2 and has an apparent magnitude of 1.5. Canis Major contains 10 formally named stars. Like Laelaps, the fox was extremely fast and was destined never to be caught. Wezen is a very luminous Supergiant Star type star. Mach 1 is the speed of sound, Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound. The star is a yellow supergiant with a visual magnitude of 1.8; it's 1800 light years away. In mythology, Canis Major is associated with Laelaps, the fastest dog in the world, one destined to catch anything it pursued. Consequently, δ Canis Majoris itself is known as 弧矢一 (Hú Shǐ yī, English: the First Star of Bow and Arrow. Adhara is the second brightest star in Canis Major and the 24th brightest star in the night sky.

The star is a yellow supergiant with a visual magnitude of 1.8; it's 1800 light years away. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 2 août 2020 à 16:11. δ Canis Majoris (Latinised to Delta Canis Majoris) is the star's Bayer designation. Wezen visual magnitude is 1.84, making it the 35th brightest star in the sky.

Its absolute magnitude is −6.87,[6] and it lies around 1,600 light-years away. Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the sky and the fifth nearest star system to the Sun. Much more attractive, however, is the binary system about four degrees to the northeast of delta, h 3945. The star is an O-type blue supergiant classified as a Beta Lyrae type variable. The figure of 38,979.08 that I have given is based on the value in the Simbad Hipparcos Extended Catalogue at the University of Strasbourg from 2012.

Le dictionnaire des synonymes est surtout dérivé du dictionnaire intégral (TID). Sirius A belongs to the spectral class A1V, and the dwarf to DA2.

Canis Major is commonly taken to represent the “greater dog” following the hunter Orion in Greek myth. Wezen (Delta Canis Majoris) is a blue to white very luminous supergiant star that can be located in the constellation of Canis Major.

The source of the info is Simbad. Keeping delta in your field, move to the southwest nearly an entire binocular view; here is epsilon CMa, a quite fascinating star. it heralds it.).

○   Lettris La plupart des définitions du français sont proposées par SenseGates et comportent un approfondissement avec Littré et plusieurs auteurs techniques spécialisés. Constellations. Wezen estimated radius has been calculated as being 225.31 times bigger than the Sun.

Delta Canis Majoris (δ CMa / δ Canis Majoris) is a star in the constellation Canis Major. Only around 10 million years old, Delta Canis Majoris has stopped fusing hydrogen in its core. Indexer des images et définir des méta-données. The smaller dog is represented by the neighboring constellation Canis Minor. However with the 2007 release of updated Hipparcos files, the radius is now calculated at being round 201.74. [11], Delta Canis Majoris is the third-brightest star in the constellation after Sirius and ε Canis Majoris (Adhara), with an apparent magnitude of +1.83, and is white or yellow-white in colour. It lies at an approximate distance of 1,600 light years from Earth. ○   jokers, mots-croisés Wezen is the 36th brightest star in the night sky and the 3rd brightest star in Canis Major based on the Hipparcos 2007 apparent magnitude. There have been a number of mythical dogs tied to Canis Major.

It is 25-26 light years in diameter and between 190 and 240 million years old.

(Delta Canis Majoris / δ CMa / δ Canis Majoris) Données d'observation (époque J2000.0) Ascension droite: 07 h 08 m 23,5 s: Déclinaison −26° 23′ 36″ Constellation: Grand Chien: Magnitude apparente: 1,83: Localisation dans la constellation : Grand Chien. This website uses cookies to personalise content and ads, and to analyse user traffic. Wezen forms the hub of a number of stars nicely seen in binoculars. The Myth Behind the Constellation Canis Major. Epsilon Canis Majoris (Latinised from ε Canis Majoris, abbreviated Epsilon CMa, ε CMa) is a binary star and, despite being designated ε (), the second-brightest object in the constellation of Canis Major and one of the brightest stars in the night sky with an apparent magnitude of 1.50.

Jos se olisi Auringon paikalla se ulottuisi lähes Maan kiertorataan asti.

Canis Major is the 43rd biggest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 380 square degrees. It is approximately 25,000 light years distant from Earth and 42,000 light years away from the Galactic Centre. Wezen is a main star in the constellation.
At one time, 4,700,000 years ago, it was the brightest star in the heavens, at -3.99 visual magnitude. δ Canis Majoris is a yellow-white F-type supergiant with an apparent magnitude of +1.83. Delta Canis Majoris (Latinised from δ Canis Majoris, abbreviated Delta CMa, δ CMa), officially named Wezen /ˈwiːzən/, is a star in the constellation of Canis Major. One is that Canis Major, “the great … Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The brightest star in Canis Major, Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris), is also the brightest star in the night sky.

(ST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual) 1 Makeup 1.1 System 2 Appendices 2.1 Connections 2.2 Background 2.3 External link Wezen is an F class yellow-white supergiant located about 1,800 light-years from Sol, where it is visible as part of the Canis Major constellation. More information can be found on my dedicated multiple star systems page.

Comments may be merged or altered slightly such as if an email address is given in the main body of the comment. Three supernovae have been observed in NGC 2207 in recent decades; SN 1975A in 1975, SN 1999ec in 1999, and SN 2003H in 2003. It is rotating at a speed of around 28 km/s, and hence may take a year to rotate fully. Its nothing to fear as the stars are so far apart, they won't collide in our life-time, if ever. Wezen - δ Canis Majoris (delta Canis Majoris) Wezen, also designated as δ Canis Majoris (delta Canis Majoris), is a variable supergiant star in the constellation of Canis Major. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Wezen can be found about 10 degrees southeast of Sirius. Wezen = Delta Canis Majoris Adhara = Epsilon Canis Majoris Furud = Zeta Canis Majoris Aludra = Eta Canis Majoris Theta CMa = Theta Canis Majoris Iota CMa = Iota Canis Majoris & Kappa CMa = Kappa Canis Majoris Lambda CMa = Lambda Canis Majoris Xi-1 CMa = Xi-1 Canis Majoris Omi-1 CMa = Omicron-1 Canis Majoris [22][23], Delta Canis Majoris is a supergiant of class F8 with a radius around 215 times that of the Sun. The brighter component is a blue-white B-type main sequence dwarf. All messages will be reviewed before being displayed. An Astronomical Unit is the distance between Earth and the Sun.

It is purely that the distance was recalculated. Using the 2007 distance, the star is roughly 101,607,398.20 Astronomical Units from the Earth/Sun give or take a few.

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