20 de outubro de 2020 , por
People do deal with a lot of works and like to make a lot of taste from other sites too. The prices are absolutely worthy and pretty much stabled when I compared it with the content, time met, and the quality of the work. Not sure what it’s about but psychics and spell casters are all scam. It is also the most standard language for communication throughout the world. With that amount and the portion of work, it is not worthy to complete my work by Fiverr.
The work was for about 50USD which is huge and the ardency of getting it was also equally important for me.
There are great freelancers who actually know what they're doing and I get a coupon every month. Hay Bro, Welcome To Fiverr Reviews.
I faced a lot of unwanted garbage and other credential problems regarding my project. The next day exactly within 14 hours, I got my work done which is pretty tremendous to me. I signed up there and instructed my works to be done and deadlines to be met. Claim your company profile to access Trustpilot’s free business tools and start getting closer to your customers today! Lots of Garbage: I searched for a lot of work from there.
They take a massive commission but do absolutely nothing to assist sellers on the website when they need help. It messes up the mind and makes us overthink about the usage of the site again. Kyle Kroeger. Sellers beware.
Fiverr is an absolute s... show as a seller. Absolutely trash service they let people get scammed and take their 20%. Will look for other platforms. I signed up quickly and the access to it made my approach much fast and quick. The section content creators and other menu sections are usually a very big platform to be used for the clients in terms of giving them work and completing it. Our Rating 4.8/5. They are in bed with scammers and they receive 20% of what the scammers are able to scam out of the unaware buyers. I will recommend this website to my friends.
4 stars. Good platform Super easy to use and you can hire someone in minutes. I did it a lot until once, I faced something which to me felt cheap and demoralizing. Fiverr is a platform full of scammers.The worse part of Fiverr is their non-existent CS reps.They are in bed with scammers and they receive 20% of what the scammers are able to scam out of the unaware buyers.Run away from this terrible platform.https://thinkersmith.
BUYER STOLE MY MONEY AFTER 3 FFCKING MONTH. Turns out I was scammed by a buyer out of 8 hours worth of work.
This type of problem in Fiverr is really disturbing and unrealistic when compared with the top notched sites. So the pricing of that category of work is a little higher than the usual one.
I got hacked by sellers, scammed several times and once I got a mediocre result.
Claim your company profile to access Trustpilot’s free business tools and start getting closer to your customers today! https://thinkersmith.
The idea and modifications they gave me are the best I can expect out of this. So Keep Reading My Experiences Here in Fiverr Reviews. Advantages Of Fiverr (Positive Fiverr Reviews) Dirt cheap: The pricings that are fixed in the Fiverr is one of the best advantages of using Fiverr to me.
Fiverr Reviews. Absolutely horrible customer service!
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