20 de outubro de 2020 , por
Then, we compile the feedback and discuss it with the teams that need to see them. For support, please visit our Help Center. "Minecraft" is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB, Subscribe to interesting threads (there are so many of these), Post and comment on ideas (remember to be nice), Vote on ideas (we like to keep things positive so we only have upvotes), Report spam and offensive content (no one likes spam).
If you’re curious about what’s coming to Minecraft right away, check the beta and snapshot changelogs. Minecraft.net and the feedback section of the website. (And it makes it easy to search.). It's amazing what you can find with one word. Feedback Website Changelogs, old news and feedback site related helpful info.
Minecraft Realms connection issues; Java Edition: How do I download my Realms world? Cutting down on threads with very similar ideas will let ideas stay together so they can receive the attention they deserve. It also helps if you keep your ideas to a single idea per post. Parity Requests and You: A Guide; Feedback Website Changelog (September 2018) Current Hot Topics; Feedback Website Changelog (August 2018)
The feedback site also contains a number of things that are specifically designed to help you get started. The feedback site is located at here. Check the links in the pinned post. This is the place to add all your great ideas. If you'd like to submit a suggestion, visit your console's corresponding sub-section on the Minecraft Forums.
Making new ideas happen is pretty easy, right? It's an unofficial reddit page, but the developers sometimes visit and view highly-rated suggestions. Minecraft makes you plenty happy, right?
The Minecraft Feedback Site is the official website location for players to share their feedback for Minecraft.
Because the developers can receive hundreds of suggestions a day via Reddit, Twitter, and email, they will not be able to view or answer each suggestion. Unlikely you'll need to search for this. Help your great ideas become a part of Minecraft!
We’re always updating this page when we talk to the team about specific ideas, or to let you know about the things just don’t fit in Minecraft (like realistic sharks, for example – please stop asking for those). It currently has 26 categories with which to post feedback in: Add-ons; Blocks, Tools, and Items; Education Related; Java Combat Snapshot Mojang Have you been by the official Minecraft feedback site lately? Like “kelp” “tea” instead of “kelp tea”. View All 35 Minecraft Realms.
Turns out, getting an idea into Minecraft is a pretty long process (and I just simplified it a lot) involving different teams around the world. This is also where alerts go in case the team needs to contact you about your post.
We read all the comments and keep them in mind.
From here, you can search for a topic, post an idea, log in, or visit a random post. In case you missed it, it’s got a brand new look, and we’re here to give you a guided tour of how it works! There are the rules of the site, some helpful general tips we’ve put together about writing your great ideas up, and extra help for those big ideas about biomes and dimensions.
For general feedback and suggestions to Minecraft, check out the official Minecraft feedback site.
The community team reads your suggestions and feedback every day. Ready to get started? Minecraft Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. If you read an idea and have a better way to do the same thing or a completely different approach to the same basic idea, join the discussion! Helpful hint: if you have more than one word, use quotes around each word to get the best results!
We’ve also added a Previously Considered Suggestion page.
The Minecraft Feedback Site is the official website location for players to share their feedback for Minecraft.
We can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind! Similar to the bug tracker, the site is moderated by the community team. Bugs go here.
For general feedback and suggestions to Minecraft, check out the official Minecraft feedback site.
Choose 'Categories' to find all the categories we’re talking about! How do I cancel my Minecraft Realms subscription?
The feedback site is located at here.
The feedback site helps our team find out about the things that matter to you the most and what you want to see in Minecraft. The community team reads your suggestions and feedback every day. Similar to the bug tracker, the site is moderated by the community team. To get started, log in to the feedback site with your free Microsoft account. Thank you! This page was last edited on 22 August 2020, at 10:04. So if you’re suggesting something, be patient – you may not see it in the next patch, but you may see it eventually!
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