20 de outubro de 2020 , por
2. This appointment appears to have been made rather on the ground of his father's great services than from any proof as yet given of special personal fitness on the part of Lord Canning. But before referring to this last proof of the Machiavellian skill of the great Corsican in dealing with plots, it is needful to notice the events which brought him into collision with the British nation. Othon (1664), Agesilas (1666), Attila (1667), and Tite et Berenice (1670),(1670), were generally considered as proofs of failing powers, - the cruel quatrain of Boileau "Apres l'Age'silas Helas! 1 There is, however, no real proof for the traditional antiquity of Deuteronomy. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: It is encouraging that already, in the proof-of-principle studies reported by Tang et al. The results of his many papers on this subject - characterized by him as "un des points les plus interessans du systeme du monde" - are embodied in the Mecanique celeste, and furnish one of the most remarkable proofs of his analytical genius. In the interests of hygiene prostitution is licensed, and that fact is by many critics construed as proof of tolerance.
The proof of this was left for Hantzsch, who traced a connexion with the nitrolic acids of V. To handle these so successfully that we can discriminate defects from qualities at all, is proof of the technique of a master, even though the faults extend to whole categories of literature. Hussarek got through a six months' provisional budget with the help of the Poles against the votes of the Ukrainians, a proof that he had shelved the partition of Galicia. Here are some examples. The underlying idea, as of similar mutilations of those slain in battle, is the warrior's wish to preserve a portable proof or trophy of his prowess. He was known to be truthful, upright and God-fearing; if he had neglected his studies it was to devote himself to manly sports and exercises; and in the pursuit of his favourite pastime, bear-hunting, he had already given proofs of the most splendid courage. The vase is a proof of the high degree of excellence to which the goldsmith's art had already attained.
This outrage, which was traced to the Communists, provided fresh proof that the Democratic leader Draskovic, as Minister of the Interior, was justified in his charges of widespread terrorist conspiracy and even in the much debated Decrees (Obznane) by which he sought to combat them. This museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of their views. The burden of proof lies on the defendant. The ruins of Palmyra greatly interested the Arabs, and are commemorated in several poems quoted by Yaqut and others; they are referred to by the early poet Nabigha as proofs of the might of Solomon and his sovereignty over their builders the Jinn (Derenbourg, Journ. That the day of Yahweh is delayed in such a state of things is but a new proof of His unchanging love (iii. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. We can see now that the very event which seemed, in the eyes of the world, to be the most striking proof of the success of the new movement, the conversion and strenuous support, in the 3rd century B.C., of Asoka, the most powerful ruler India had had, only hastened the decline. Still more wonderful was Savonarola's influence over children, and their response to his appeals is a proof of the magnetic power of his goodness and purity. His heart quickened at the first sign of proof that Lana might be alive. 1-13); a parallel account joins the name with Massah (trial, proof) where Yahweh "proved" the people (Exod. She carefully read the proofs of his work and relieved him of anxiety in connexion with his property. The proof of this statement rests on the fact that if the hydrogen atoms were not co-planar, then substitution derivatives (the substituting groups not containing asymmetric carbon atoms) should exist in enantiomorphic forms, differing in crystal form and in their action on polarized light; such optical antipodes have, however, not yet been separated. use "proof" in a sentence There is absolutely no proof for the charges being leveled at him. The existence of God is maintained by Albert and Aquinas to be domonstrable by reason; but here again they reject the ontological argument of Anselm, and restrict themselves to the a posteriori proof, rising after the manner of Aristotle from that which is prior for us to that which is prior by nature or in itself. mechanizethis to investigate some new geometric relations as well as ways of rigorously mechanizing geometric proofs that involve infinitesimal and infinite arguments. Emerson declares that " the impulse to seek proof of immortality is itself the strongest proof of all.". twiddleerlaine is correcting proofs of the LP's lyric sheet (more mistakes) and nervously twiddling his pen. The originals and the engraver's proofs are of great assistance to the workman in bringing out the details of an illustration when he is preparing it for printing. If authentic throughout, they afford perfect proof of Mary's complicity in the murder of her husband, Henry, Lord Darnley. There is, however, no proof that anything like community of women or unlimited promiscuity exists anywhere. The absence of the hood might also be taken as additional proof of. Florus and Eutropius abridged him; Orosius extracted from him his proofs of the sinful blindness of the pagan world; and in every school Livy was firmly established as a textbook for the Roman youth. The term in Aristotelian logic is opposed to dialectic, as scientific proof to probable reasoning. It is certainly a very striking fact that wherever we have been able to trace genetic series, either of invertebrates or vertebrates, in closely sequent geological horizons, or life zones, we find strong proof of evolution through extremely gradual mutation simultaneously affecting many parts of each organism, as set forth above. There was a special ordeal through which a bride passed to prove her virginity, and a proof of her immorality brought disgrace upon all her relatives. If you can't prove your accusations, you shouldn't make them. The presence of the Sakai, a people of the Mon-Khmer stock, in the interior of the peninsula has also been considered as one of many proofs that the Malays intruded from the south and approached the 004° D peninsula by means of a sea-route, since had they swept down from the north, being driven thence by the people of a stronger breed, it might be expected that the fringe of country dividing the two contending races would be inhabited by men of the more feeble stock. proof (n): a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true. The scriptural proof texts were added at the request of the English parliament.
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by. Dunbar attested his constancy and gave proof that Cromwell was a master of the tactics of all arms. sub fin., " the proof " of religion, " arising out of the two ... inductive proof requiring, according to Mill's Logic, the " Method of Difference.". Here we should especially mention the beautiful and much-discussed Song of the Pearl, or Song of the Soul, which is generally, though without absolute clear proof, attributed to the Gnostic Bardesanes (till lately it was known only in the Syrian text; edited and translated by Bevan, Texts and Studies, 2 v. This knowledge of theirs was not based on reflection, on scientific inquiry and proof, but on revelation. The Samaritan Pentateuch agrees with the Septuagint version in many passages, but its chief importance lies in the proof which it affords as to the substantial agreement of our present text of the Pentateuch, apart from certain intentional changes,' with that which was promulgated by Ezra. What about giving one person a fool proof demonstration?
It is well known that the Romans borrowed their methods of hepatoscopy from the Etruscans, and, apart from the direct evidence for this in Latin writings, we have, in the case of the bronze model of a liver found near Piacenza in 1877, and of Etruscan origin, the unmistakable proof that among the Etruscans the examination of the liver was the basis of animal divination. Dent figures he's living proof that anything is possible. , She searched for proof that her husband was cheating but found no solid evidence. Just telephone stuff— nothing public unless there's proof. The least we should do is come up with a fool proof way of giving a tip that can't be traced back to us! Other death records, such as obituaries, are good proofs. He gave a proof of his regard for the service of the country by taking his passage home in a small brig rather than withdraw a line of battle ship from the squadron, which his rank entitled him to do, and as other admirals of the time generally did. He was already an ardent student of physical science; he now gave proof of his versatility by learning Chinese in order to catalogue the Chinese MSS. Matthew Paris, in repeating the passage from Roger of Wendover, reported that other Armenians had confirmed the story on visiting St Albans in 1252, and regarded it as a great proof of the Christian religion. A flow of words is no proof of wisdom. Sentence Examples. This caused great stir; it was publicly burnt by order of the government of Uri, and many more or less forged proofs and documents were produced in favour of Tell. Thus faulty proof rather than faulty inference is illustrated when the word " in-number " (Ex. Miss Keller is distinctly not a singular proof of occult and mysterious theories, and any attempt to explain her in that way fails to reckon with her normality. There is, however, no proof that the belief is animistic in the proper sense. Elizabeth, by the mouth of her chief justice, formally rebuked the audacity of the subjects who durst bring such a charge against their sovereign, and challenged them to advance their proofs. The improvement which has taken place in the general health of the inhabitants of cities during recent years, concurrent with hygienic legislation, is ample proof of the above assertions. In 1815 he entered the cathedral school at Christiania, and three years later he gave proof of his mathematical genius by his brilliant solutions of the original problems proposed by B. was appealed to by the Reformation writers as a proof that the early English church did not hold the Roman doctrine of transubstantiation.'.
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