20 de outubro de 2020 , por
", "The Nektons find an underwater crop circle. Netflix Renewal Status, Release Date. Release year: 2015. A couple facing fertility issues finds their marriage tested on a vacation to a Sardinian resort — and the family next door only adds to the tension. Alongside a familiar enemy, the Nektons are trapped inside an inescapable Monumential. The Nektons, a family of underwater explorers, encounter sea monsters, pirates and other perils on their quest to learn the ocean's secrets. But then he ends up in a difficult situation of his own. Now it's a race to see who gets there first.
But when his sub starts to sink, they're the only ones who can save the day! The following is a list of episodes for the The Deep animated series. The police accuse Ant of stealing and won't let him leave the Aronnax. Fully Episode Clips from The Deep As of … But he hasn't counted on a deadly oil spill. What is its secret?
A giant monster roaming the ocean floor attacks the Aronnax, and the Nektons' friend Kenji may have more to do with it than anyone imagined. But the Nektons realize it's actually a rare whale with a unique voice. "The Nektons find the Queen's sceptre. A reimagining of the classic animated series. When the Nektons finally discover the ancient city, poisonous algae threatens the family's exploration. Ant thinks that aliens are stealing things from a Japanese island and dragging them underwater. The Nektons have their hands full when they're caught between the Dark Orca pirates and an erupting undersea volcano. Can he save both? The Nektons find Hammerhead's deserted pirate ship and discover an eerie presence that forces them to join forces with Hammerhead's family to save it. Fontaine and Smiling Finn get stuck inside a giant clam as the Dark Orca pirates battle the Nektons for the huge pearl it holds. As the Nektons explore a mysterious tunnel behind a huge undersea waterfall, strange creatures and strong currents surprise them at every turn. But the thief secretly wants to capture them, too! ", "Ant tries to locate a "diamond-horned sea-unicorn" as a present for Fontaine's birthday. ", "The Aronnax and Alpheus' sub are trapped within a giant Jellyfish Monumential. But the creature's mother isn't very happy about that. Receive the latest cancel/renewal, reboot and premiere date news in your inbox! https://thedeep.fandom.com/wiki/Episodes?oldid=7493, "The Dark Orca pirates unwittingly steal a treasure that can awaken a Monumential and possibly destroy them and the Nektons. The Deep Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. With Vincent Tong, Ashleigh Ball, Kathleen Barr, Michael Dobson.
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When Ant discovers an ancient scroll that holds clues to an amazing mystery, his family comes face to face with a menacing dragon. Proteus, leader of the mysterious Guardians, traps the Aronnax in a magnetic field and kidnaps Ant, believing he is the key to finding Lemuria. Another encounter with archrival Alpheus puts the Nektons at risk of never finding the Lemuria, but Ant is determined not to let that happen. "The Nektons explore Lemuria but Fontaine realises the others are being affected by a dangerous algae. The Nektons explore an underwater cave system, and Ant bonds with a baby crocodile. 1.
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