20 de outubro de 2020 , por
The battery assemblies contain internal fuse boards, control boards, heat sink equipment and monitor/equalization boards. NDS is an androgynous design supporting low-impact technology. Returning to Earth from its missions, Orion performs a parachute assisted splashdown landing in the ocean using a combination of pilot, drogue and main chutes to slow down, transition to a vertical descent and make a relatively soft splashdown.
The canopy of the chutes is made from nylon while all risers, lines and cords are Kevlar and steel – all parachute lines are bundles of up to six individual cables. The cover consists to six composite face sheets with titanium honeycomb cores covered with TUFI-coated AETB-8 tiles (Toughed Uni-Piece Fibrous Insulation alumina-fiber-enhanced-thermal-barrier tiles). A total of 49 composite panels make up Orion’s outer shell with additional thermal protection layers installed on top. Eight Auxiliary Thrusters, each delivering 490 Newtons of thrust, will be installed on the aft section of the ESM to provide fine maneuverability and act as a backup to the Orion Main Engine. AM uses a solid propellant with a high burn rate achieved by using a mixture containing high surface area grains allowing the motor to achieve the required abort performance. Orion will carry astronauts into Outer Space and then return them to the Earth. The adapter includes its own thermal control system components, receiving cooling from the Service Module via fluid interfaces. The Orion spacecraft is outfitted with a number of state of the art system to accurately determine its attitude in space in order to properly orient itself for the different phases of its mission. The clamshell Shroud Assembly includes structural ribs for reinforcement and provides the interface to the Abort Motor in the aft and the Interstage Adapter in the forward direction. Its role in BEO missions was re-established in May 2011 when NASA announced that designs made under Constellation would be adapted for the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle to be flown to Space aboard the Space Launch System that was revealed in September 2011. The principle behind ablative heat shield technology is to create a boundary layer between the shield’s outer wall and the extremely hot shock layer gas by allowing the heat shield material to slowly burn away and, in the process, generate gaseous reaction products that flow out of the heat shield and keep the shock layer at a separation distance, reducing the overall heat flux experienced by the outer shell of the spacecraft. SLS builds on the design of Ares V using extensive Space Shuttle heritage, including its engines and External Tank design to create a human-rated launch vehicle. The engine has a dry weight of 3.63kg and is 55.4cm in length and has a nozzle diameter of 27.9cm. The Orion Main Engine will employ a thrust vector control system to provide pitch and yaw control during its burns. The ESA Service Module is currently (late 2014) in the midst of its design and review process and design specifications are subject to change. The engines can make up to 160,000 pulses during their mission and support a total burn time of 12.9 hours. The ablative material itself is an epoxy novolac resin with a number of additives to create a substance with a low density of 0.51g/cm³. Orion’s Lithium-Ion batteries are manufactured by Yardney Technical Products, a company with decades of experience in space power storage systems. The exterior of the pressure vessel offers mounting structures for a variety of equipment that is not required to reside within the pressurized volume of the spacecraft such as avionics systems, propellant tanks, environmental control system components, batteries and a variety of other components. All ESM engines are pressure-fed. The Ethernet Network System connects a variety of Crew Module systems including the communications terminal, the Video Processing Units, Absolute & Relative Navigation Systems, Power and Data Units, and Crew Displays and Controls. The 3,464-Kilogram Abort Motor delivers 1,760 Kilonewtons of thrust along the vehicle axis to pull the spacecraft away from the failing launch vehicle.
The webs interface with the longerons and bulkhead. Twenty four 220N Reaction Control Thrusters are installed on the ESM in four pods of two engines and four pods containing four thrusters to create an arrangement that delivers redundant control about all three spacecraft axes. A number of Orion Test Articles have been built for the various test programs including a Ground Test Article used for vibration testing and as a Service Module simulator. Orion will be launched by NASA’s Space Launch System. Orion will launch from Launch Complex 39B at Kennedy Space Center, the same launch site used by the Space Shuttle and the Saturn V. Orion is meant to take humans to the Moon and Mars. It is the largest FWS rig in the world. The engines feature the same injectors that are used on the 490N thrusters. Orion will also have an Abort Once Around (AOA) feature in which it will perform a retrofire during its first orbit for a landing in the Pacific in the event of major systems problems aboard the spacecraft or an off-nominal orbital insertion.
The majority of external systems are located in the Forward Bay atop the forward bulkhead, installed around the crew tunnel leading up to the forward docking interface.
Two NASA Standard Initiator cartridges are used to generate a rapidly expanding gas that drives the blade forward as soon as the pins are sheared by the output pressure. Constellation proposed to use Orion as the centerpiece of Beyond Earth Orbit missions as well as LEO missions to the International Space Station.
Then it would be able to go to the International Space Station.It was also planned to go to a spacecraft launched in pieces on different Ares V rockets, and the spacecraft with the Orion would go to the Moon, Mars, or another place. The Power Control and Distribution Units generate the four fully independent 120-Volt main power buses of the spacecraft and distribute power to all ESM users and to the Crew Module via the Crew Module Adapter. The Environmental Control System was designed to feature a pair of LOX tanks and smaller Nitrogen tanks to provide the crew with breathable air and pressurization between 10.2 and 15.05 psi. Orion …
Much like a train engine pulls passenger carriages and supplies power, the European Service Module will take the Orion capsule to its destination and back. The ESM propulsion system employs a unified architecture – all thrusters are fed from the same tanks. It was meant to be launched on the Ares I rocket. Testing of Orion’s parachute system involved Drop Test Articles and Parachute Test Vehicles 1 and 2, some of which are no longer in existence after test failures 2007, 2008 and 2010. Orion uses 12 MR-104G catalytic thrusters manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne. Within the avionics bay, cooling fluid is circulated through four coldplate assemblies to transport heat away from the major electronics components – the Control and Management Unit, the two Thermal Control Units and the two Power Control and Distribution Units. It is designed to send astronauts farther into space than ever before, beyond the Moon to asteroids and even Mars. The Launch Escape Tower approach has been employed since the early stages of the space program and continues to be used in major programs such as Soyuz and Shenzhou with a vast heritage on the U.S. side beginning with the Mercury Program and continuing with Apollo. Thermal vacuum and environmental testing of spacecraft components began at NASA’s Glenn Research Center back in 2007 in parallel with Parachute System tests picking up the same year followed by the initiation of full scale testing of the Launch Abort System in 2009 and recovery testing at sea picking up in 2009 as well. The process uses a rotating weld pin that plasticizes material through friction heating. Orion will go further than any other crewed spacecraft has before and European design and technology will make that happen. Initially, the craft was known as CEV – Crew Exploration Vehicle. Overall, the onboard data bus moves data 1,000 times faster than systems employed on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. NASA officials have expressed interest in continuing the ESA involvement, but no firm contracts were awarded beyond the first flight model which is provided to NASA’s for ESA’s use of the International Space Station from 2017 through 2020 when ATV is no longer flying. A total of 970 TUFI coated AETB-8 thermal tiles with Space Shuttle heritage are installed on Orion’s backshell to protect the internal equipment from heating during re-entry. The Nozzle Assembly contains four nozzles all made from 17-4 stainless steel, canted 35 degrees from the centerline of the Launch Escape Tower. The amount of fluid passing through the radiator and the portion of flow directed back into the circulation depends on readings from triple-redundant temperature sensors that provide feedback to the 3-way mixing valves that control the flow through the radiators and back into the system. Orion’s recovery at sea is an effort involving several vessels and helicopters. At the forefront will be a Navy Landing Platform/Dock (LPD) ship, equipped with a floodable hangar normally used to launch and retrieve watercraft. Deployment of the drogue chutes is triggered based on altitude data delivered by a Primary GPS-aided Kalman filter. The engine is fixed and does not provide gimbaling capability.
Pressurization is provided by the Nitrogen Gas Delivery System that delivers pressurant via a series of lines, valves and regulators. Orion is NASA’s next spacecraft to send humans into space. The Purpose of the Orion Service Module is to support the Crew Module and the crew members over the course of the space flight by supplying electrical power generated by solar arrays, providing propulsion capability, facilitating the consumables such as water and pressurized gases and holding various systems such as environmental control and thermal control equipment. The fairing assembly weighs approximately 1,350 Kilograms and consists of two components – an ogive fairing that encloses the Orion Crew Module and an upper Fillet that interfaces with the escape tower itself.
The USS Anchorage will be the primary recovery ship in an effort coordinated between the US Navy, Lockheed Martin engineers and NASA’s Ground Systems Development and Operations (GSDO) program. The initial reefing condition allows the chutes to open to about 3.5% to continue slowing down the capsule. Each Orion spacecraft will be able to carry up to six[3] astronauts. The propellant tanks are kept at temperatures below –5°C for MON-3 and under 50°C for MMH. The titanium manifold is designed to stabilize the exhaust flow, balance the thrust across the four nozzles and maximize overall engine performance. Deployment of the mains is accomplished using three Pilot Chutes that are expelled from pneumatic mortars using pyrotechnic gas generators. Within individual systems chains, digital and analog data buses are employed. No firm contracts have been made for missions past EM-1, however, ESA will deliver spare parts for the EM-1 SM that could be used to assemble another unit for use on EM-2 which will be Orion’s first crewed mission. Electrical power was to be generated by two Ultra-Flex solar arrays provided by ATK with dedicated avionics conditioning redundant power buses at 120 Volts. This feature is exercised during the operation of the main engine to reduce loads on the arrays.
Orion’s parachute deployment sequence begins two seconds after the jettisoning of the Forward Bay Cover. After operation of the Abort Motor, Orion is taken through its pitch-over by the ACM and enters a short free falling segment, still retaining the LAS.
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