20 de outubro de 2020 , por
A stand or group of aspen trees is considered a singular organism with the main life force underground in the extensive root system. • Large-toothed Aspen (Populus grandidentata) - Leaves are much larger and have large teeth. While their barks have a light color usually, t… These trees have greenish gray to white barks that are smooth for the most part of the trunk with just the basal part being rough. One aspen tree is actually only a small part of a larger organism. In North America, the aspen is referred to as quaking aspen or trembling aspen because the leaves "quake" or tremble in the wind. They are all medium-sized deciduous trees reaching 15–30 m (49–98 ft) tall. It is commonly called quaking aspen, trembling aspen, American aspen, mountain or golden aspen, trembling poplar, white poplar, and popple, as well as others. The trees have tall trunks, up to 25 meters (82 feet) tall, with smooth pale bark, scarred with black. Aspen trees are sometimes referred to as aspen poplars. Before a single aspen trunk appears above the surface, the root system may lie dormant for many years until the conditions are just right, including sufficient sunlight. The Korean aspen trees are scientifically known as Populus davidiana. They stand at a height of 25 m with a trunk of a diameter of 60 cm. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) are lovely in the wild, and enjoy the most extensive native range of any tree on the continent.Their leaves have flattened petioles, so they tremble in every light breeze. The species often propagat… You may have admired aspens lighting up park slopes with brilliant yellow fall color. The glossy green leaves, dull beneath, become golden to yellow, rarely red, in autumn. French names: Peuplier faux-tremble Family: Willow Family (Salicaceae) Group: Poplars & Aspens Distinctive features: Tree Similar species: • White Birch (Betula papyrifera) - Bark is much lighter and very peely. Both species of aspen trees enjoy a wide geographical range, especially the quaking aspen, which has the distinction of growing from coast to coast across North America. Aspen trees are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the northern hemisphere, extending south at high-altitude areas such as mountains or high plains. This is due to their flattened petioles which reduces aerodynamic drag on the trunk and branches. Populus tremuloides is a deciduous tree native to cooler areas of North America, one of several species referred to by the common name aspen.
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