20 de outubro de 2020 , por
are your body's "practice contractions." Colostrum Dilation Some women will notice a change in the shape of their abdomen, an easier time breathing or an increase in the urge to urinate.
These are obstetrician-gynecologists who specialize in high-risk pregnancies. This page was last edited on 13 October 2020, at 14:50. [1] These terms are usually coupled, sometimes with additional terms, to indicate more details of the woman's obstetric history. AF. Quickening The father of the baby is taught how to coach his partner through labor. Afterbirth Williams Obstetrics, 22nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies. Pregnancy TOP abbreviation meaning defined here. is a substance made in your baby's lungs. Lanugo is the skin at the back of the neck (nape). It scores heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflexes, and skin color with a 0, 1 or 2. In biology, the term "gravid" (Latin: gravidus "burdened, heavy"[5]) is used to describe the condition of an animal (most commonly fish or reptiles) when carrying eggs internally.
Doula Some women will notice a change in the shape of their abdomen, an easier time breathing or an increase in the urge to urinate. It starts to grow in weeks 13 to 16 and is thickest weeks 28 to 30. [2] When using these terms: In human medicine, "gravidity" refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant,[1] regardless of whether the pregnancies were interrupted or resulted in a live birth. Bradley technique is a cut made to widen the opening of your vagina to allow your baby to pass through. This can happen weeks before labor, or when labor begins and does not predict when labor will occur. Chadwick's sign
The umbilical cord is a procedure in which stitches are used to close the cervix. Placenta previa [6] A woman who has given birth once before is primiparous and is referred to as a primipara or primip. IUP intrauterine pregnancy IUGR intrauterine growth reta rdation IUFD/FDIU intrauterine fetal demise/fetal death in utero SVD mid-line episiotomy OA, OP, LOA, LOP, LOT, ROT, ROA, ROP fetal positions VTX vertex PIH pregnancy induced hypertension CST contraction stress test NST non-stress test OCT oxytocin challenge test Also called maternal-fetal medicine specialists. Cervix A "nulligravida" is a woman who has never been pregnant. american board of obstetrics and gynecology, Central Assoication of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Congenital Bilateral Absence Of Vas Deferens, Darling Husband (used Almost Exclusively By Dependent Spouse Types), International Society for Immunology of Reproduction, International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (fertility), Significant Other (spouse, Boyfriend / Girlfriend). Grand multipara describes the condition of having given birth five or more times.[7]. It is measured in centimeters from 0 (closed) to 10 (fully dilated). A "primigravida" is a woman who is pregnant for the first time or has been pregnant one time. No catheter is used. is the acronym for maternal-fetal medicine. Nuchal fold Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Pregnant With Allergies? is the opening of the uterus at the top of the vagina.
Blighted ovum The baby's heart rate is monitored closely. The cervix dilates or widens during labor to allow your baby to be born. However, it does not predict when labor will occur. You can have a test for this defect during the second trimester to help you make decisions about your pregnancy. is pushing and delivery, which can last from 20 minutes to 3+ hours.
is the process of collecting and storing your baby's blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after birth.
These are obstetrician -gynecologists who specialize in high-risk pregnancies. For instance, a meta-analysis of 8 population-based studies in the Nordic countries found that never giving birth was associated with a 30% increase in the risk of breast cancer compared with women who have given birth, and for every 2 births, the risk was reduced by about 16%. is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract. Apgar scoring system Perineum Mask of pregnancy A woman who has given birth two, three, or four times is multiparous and is called a multip. MFM Breech The term "gravida" can be used to refer to a pregnant woman. If it is born prior to 38 weeks and 6 days, it is premature. It involves lifting and turning a baby inside the womb from outside the abdomen. With each contraction, you push until the baby moves down the birth canal. is a fluid rich with protein and antibodies made by the breasts during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Your Pregnancy and Childbirth, Month to Month, 5th edition, 2010. Epidural
Your abdominal muscles tighten briefly but the cervix does not dilate. Your doctor can induce labor using medications and/or mechanical methods. Spinal block is a method of pain relief during labor. is a process used to gently turn a breech (transverse) baby into the head-down position for birth. is an early sign of pregnancy. is when your doctor brings on or speeds up your labor using medical methods. Neural tube defect is the organ in the uterus that delivers oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to your baby. is a tube-like structure that connects a baby to the placenta and the mother's bloodstream. in your developing baby becomes the brain, spinal cord, and backbone. Viable gestational age varies from region to region. Gravida indicates the number of times a woman is or has been pregnant, regardless of the pregnancy outcome. ), FA Davis Company, 2009. Episiotomy is the first black, tarry stool from a newborn. Mehrzad J, Duchateau L, Pyörälä S, Burvenich C. (2002).
is an infection you can get from contact with a parasite in cat feces or from undercooked meat.
are exercises you do to strengthen the muscles that surround the vaginal opening.
is a birth defect that develops in a baby's brain or spinal cord, such as spina bifida. is when the placenta is covering all or part of the cervix. The placenta Taber's Medical Dictionary (21st Ed. For example, if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant with more than one baby, you are a high-risk pregnancy. Vernix It includes women who have experienced spontaneous miscarriages and induced abortions before the mid-point of pregnancy, but not women who have experienced pregnancy loss after 20 weeks.
It allows the lungs to remain inflated so your baby can breathe at birth. Cerclage In entomology it describes a mated female insect. is the white cheesy substance that covers your baby at birth. 2nd stage of labor The first stage ends when you are 10cm dilated. Like gravidity, parity may also be counted.
[14], In humans, it can lead to some ambiguity for events occurring between 20 and 24 weeks,[15] and for multiple pregnancies. is the line from the belly button to the pubic hair. is a common skin change during pregnancy in which the skin gets darker around the eyes, nose, and cheeks.
It also removes waste products. blocks the opening of the cervix to keep bacteria out during pregnancy. It contains stem cells that may be used to treat future medical problems in your child or someone else. The baby is not able to pass through the cervix for delivery.
Look through 196 acronyms and abbreviations related to Pregnancy: AAPEC. During an ultrasound, doctors can measure the thickness of the nuchal fold to test for certain genetic abnormalities. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts. They can begin as early as the second trimester and often occur when you are tired or dehydrated or after sex. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). hCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone) HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; HEPA = Hamster Egg Penetration Assay; HGSIL = High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion; HMG = Human Menopausal Gonadotropin; HPT = Home Pregnancy Test; HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy; HSC = Hysteroscopy; HSG = Hysterosalpingogram; Hysterosalpingography is the beginning of week 39 to the end of week 40 of pregnancy. The list of 3.4k Pregnancy acronyms and abbreviations (October 2020): How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? begins with contractions that are close enough and strong enough to bring about a change in your cervical dilation. Birth plan Also called trisomy 21.You can have a test for this defect during the first and second trimester to help you make decisions about your pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones often cause this line to become darker. is when your baby "drops" or descends into your pelvis. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) MFM is the acronym for maternal-fetal medicine. is labor that begins before the 37th week of pregnancy. They are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board. During this stage, your uterus mildly contracts to push the placenta out. External cephalic version Also called premature.
It happens when the ligaments that hold your uterus in suspension within your abdomen stretch. It helps protect your baby and helps develop your baby's lungs. For other uses, see. american board of obstetrics and gynecology.
refers to birth before 37 weeks of gestation.
Round ligament pain The term "elderly primigravida" has also been used to refer to a woman in their first pregnancy, who is at least 35 years old. What does TOP stand for in Pregnancy?
Cystic fibrosis Pregnancy Abbreviations (MNO) M/S, MS MC or M/C Membranes MESA MIFT MPTY Multigravida MYOB NEST NMSAA NOYB Midwife This can threaten the mother's health and the pregnancy must be ended. is the area between the vaginal opening and the anus. Get the top TOP abbreviation related to Pregnancy. Cesarean (C-section) For example, Astatotilapia burtoni females can transform between reproductive states, one of which is gravid, and the other non-gravid. [4] Advanced maternal age can be a risk factor for some birth defects. © 2013-2020 Acronyms and Slang, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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