20 de outubro de 2020 , por
Most notable of these is the 5°-long IC 2118 (Witch Head Nebula),[54][55] located at an angular separation of 2.5° from the star,[54] or a projected distance of 39 light-years (12 parsecs) away. Fixed star Rigel Tropical degree of Rigel: 16 degrees 49 minutes Gemini Sidereal degree of Rigel: 23 Degrees Taurus According to Ptolemy and Lilly… Das liegt daran, dass Beteigeuze (wie fast alle Roten Überriesen) ein unregelmäßiger Veränderlicher ist und Rigel im Maximum hin und wieder übertreffen kann. [23][30], Rigel is an intrinsic variable star with an apparent magnitude ranging from 0.05 to 0.18. Folge der 23. Bei den kleineren Komponenten Rigel B/C, die selbst ein gebundenes Doppelsternsystem bilden, handelt es sich um bläulich-weiße Hauptreihensterne der Spektralklasse B9 und der 128-fachen Leuchtkraft der Sonne. Rigel name meaning is Foot, Rigel Is A Blue Star Of The First Magnitude That Marks The Hunter's Left Foot In The Orion Constellation and the associated lucky number is 9. I stumbled upon a book about the fixed stars and it referenced two stars that give positive results, Rigel and Spica stars of Fortune by DM Hoover. The leg had been severed with a cutlass by the maiden Bįhi (Sirius). I. Rigel [31] In those spectral types, the 'e' indicates that it displays emission lines in its spectrum, while the 'p' means it has an unspecified spectral peculiarity. Further observations of radial velocity variations indicate that it simultaneously oscillates in at least 19 non-radial modes with periods ranging from about 1.2 to 74 days. [8] Gaia DR2 finds it to be a 12th magnitude sunlike star at approximately the same distance as Rigel. Loop and arm structures were also detected within the wind. is a About a quarter of the time it is a double-peaked line, that is, an absorption line with an emission core or an emission line with an absorption core. The religion of the name is Die Komponenten Rigel B und C umkreisen einander in 28 AE Entfernung. Rigel ist Teil des Wintersechsecks.
Er strahlt mit der etwa 46.000-fachen Leuchtkraft der Sonne, damit ist er nach Beteigeuze (135.000-fach) und Antares (90.000-fach) der drittleuchtstärkste Stern innerhalb einer Entfernung von 1000 Lichtjahren von der Erde. [52] It is estimated that Rigel has lost about three solar masses (M☉) since beginning life as a star of 24±3 M☉ seven to nine million years ago. It is classified as an Alpha Cygni variable due to the amplitude and periodicity of its brightness variation, as well as its spectral type. A much fainter star, separated from Rigel and the others by nearly an arc minute, may be part of the same star system. Der Winkelabstand zwischen dem 0,12m hellen Rigel A[1] und dem nur 6,6m hellen Rigel B/C-System beträgt 9,5" und der Positionswinkel 204°.[4]. Rigel, designated β Orionis (Latinized to Beta Orionis, abbreviated Beta Ori, β Ori), is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion, approximately 860 light-years (260 pc) from Earth.Rigel is the brightest and most massive component – and the eponym – of a star system of at least four stars that appear as a single blue-white point of light to the naked eye. [42] The line profile changes are interpreted as variations in the quantity and velocity of material being expelled from the star.
[28], Rigel has many other stellar designations taken from various catalogs, including the Flamsteed designation 19 Orionis (19 Ori), the Bright Star Catalogue entry HR 1713, and the Henry Draper Catalogue number HD 34085. The two spectroscopic components Rigel Ba and Rigel Bb cannot be resolved in optical telescopes but are known to both be hot stars of spectral type around B9. [22] A spectroscopic companion to Rigel was reported on the basis of radial velocity variations, and its orbit was even calculated, but subsequent work suggests the star does not exist and that observed pulsations are intrinsic to Rigel itself.
Muslim. You can find Rigel under "R" list, and there are 368 more names in this list.
[11] Due to strong convection of helium produced in the core while Rigel was on the main sequence and in the hydrogen-burning shell since it became a supergiant, the fraction of helium at the surface has increased from 26.6% when the star formed to 32% now.
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