20 de outubro de 2020 , por
They are inactive in very cold, and very hot, dry weather. When inactive, western banded geckos take shelter under rocks, debris, in crevices, or underground. Active principally at night, western banded geckos can be seen crossing roads during the summer.
The tail breaks off easily as a predator defense, and re-grows quickly. Habitat: The western banded gecko is found in open arid deserts and desert grassland, in … The Western Banded Gecko is a food source for many predators, such as snakes. If disturbed, the gecko will wave its tail to divert attention of a would-be predator away from its head and body. The small gecko is one of the few reptiles credited with controlling the scorpion population, by eating their young. These geckos are believed to be able to detect the chemical signals left by snakes, which gives them the … Several species of snakes frequently are listed as predators of the Western Banded Gecko (e.g., Parker 1972), but many of these appear to be based on observations of captives. Fat is stored in the tail to sustain the lizards through hibernation. Mojave and Sonoran deserts of southeastern California, south and western Arizona and southern Nevada; southwestern Utah, southwestern New Mexico, south into Baja California and northern Mexico.
They also sometimes squeak when they feel threatened. Scorpion Eater Banded geckos help keep down scorpion populations in urban areas by eating lots of baby scorpions.
The Western Banded Gecko can also mimic a scorpion, by turning its tail upwards, and waving it to repel predators. They also mimic scorpions by running with their tails arched over their backs, fooling potential predators into thinking they are dangerous to approach. The Western Banded Gecko stalks its prey, capturing and crushing it with its jaws in a final, fatal lunge. It has been suggested that their gait and carriage mimics that of the scorpions of the genus Hadrurus that share the same habitat. Predators include leaf-nosed snakes, western patch-nosed snakes, night snakes, sidewinders, western diamondback rattlesnakes, other rattlesnake species, coachwhips, and zebra-tailed lizards
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