20 de outubro de 2020 , por
New study eliminates one theory", "Geochemistry of carbonates on Mars: implications for climate history and nature of aqueous environments", "Search for 'Missing' Carbon on Mars Cancelled", "Mars once had a moderately dense atmosphere: Scientists suggest the fingerprints of early photochemistry provide a solution to the long-standing mystery", "Isotope ratios of H, C, and O in CO2 and H2O of the Martian atmosphere", "Tracing the fate of carbon and the atmospheric evolution of Mars", "White Mars: The story of the Red Planet Without Water", "Antares project "Mars Small-Scale Weather" (MSW)", 10.1175/1520-0469(1973)030<0749:MFMDS>2.0.CO;2, "NASA's Curiosity Rover Is Tracking a Huge Dust Storm on Mars (Photo)", "Global warming and climate forcing by recent albedo changes on Mars", "NASA Mars Rovers Braving Severe Dust Storms", "Mars Rovers Survive Severe Dust Storms, Ready For Next Objetives (sic)", Rapidly intensifying, possibly planet-wide dust storm affecting Mars, "Martian Dust Storm Grows Global; Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze", "Epic Dust Storm on Mars Now Completely Covers the Red Planet", "Interannual variability of planet-encircling dust storms on Mars", "Massive dust storms are robbing Mars of its water", "Dust Storms Linked to Gas Escape from Mars Atmosphere", "Applications of electrified dust and dust devil electrodynamics to Martian atmospheric electricity", "Aerodynamic generation of electric fields in turbulence laden with charged inertial particles", "Colossal cyclone swirling near Martian north pole is observed by Cornell-led team on Hubble telescope", "Mars methane detection and variability at Gale crater", "NASA Rover Finds Active and Ancient Organic Chemistry on Mars", "Life on Mars? Winter is only four months long. Predictions from the Mars General Circulation Model are consistent with these observations.[100]. The black line shows the daily average air temperature in Celsius. The climate briefly received more interest in the news due to NASA measurements indicating increased sublimation of one near-polar region leading to some popular press speculation that Mars was undergoing a parallel bout of global warming,[1] although Mars' average temperature has actually cooled in recent decades, and the polar caps themselves are growing. It is now thought that ice accumulated when Mars' orbital tilt was very different from what it is now. In: Balme, M., A. Bargery, C. Gallagher, S. Guta (eds). Without a "thermal blanket," Mars can't retain any heat energy. Amazonian northern mid-latitude glaciation on Mars: A proposed climate scenario. Both polar caps are currently accumulating, confirming predicted Milankovich cycling on timescales of ~400,000 and ~4,000,000 years.
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